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West Sacramento News-Ledger

Free Art Exhibit Viewing

Mar 13, 2024 09:23AM ● By Michele Townsend
Image titled Green Eyes and is 10”x10”, framed piece that is painted with acrylic. Photo provided by Edith LeFebvre

WEST SACRAMENTO, CA (MPG) - Located at the West Capitol Avenue side of the West Sacramento Community Center sits Gallery 1075. Gallery 1075 is a small Art Gallery that features West Sacramento artists. Each month, the display is rotated with another local artist’s work. Styles and mediums are different with each artist, making it a great place to revisit, as each month the art is unique from months previous.

The featured artist for March 2024 is Dr. Edith LeFebvre. In the exhibit, entitled Elegant Abstract, Edith is showing a variety of abstract oil paintings. Edith describes her work as often expressing an emotion or human experience. She explained that her work often goes through an evolution that will sometimes begin as she’s falling asleep. Other pieces may generate from a social or political issue.

Edith has been painting for 20 years and will paint on either canvas or wooden panels. Her work is painted with acrylic or oil and cold wax. Oil and cold wax are one of the oldest methods of painting and is the type of work that makes up some of the oldest paintings in existence.

Edith works out of a studio in Fair Oaks and says that some paintings are completed in a couple of days, while others need much more time to be completed. Edith has more pieces currently on display in Rancho Cordova City Hall as well as her website, Prices for her work and contact information for sales can also be found on the website.

“My work has often been described as exuding energy thru color or movement; in this show, the pieces have that feature while being combined with a calming presence to counter this what seems to be a chaotic social climate,” said Edith. Edith’s work will be on display at the Community Center, located at 1075 West Capitol Ave, from March 11 through March 31, 2024. 

Edith LeFebvre Fall acrylic

 Image titled Fall and is on a 30”x48” canvas painted with acrylic. Photo provided by Edith LeFebvre