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West Sacramento News-Ledger

West Sac News Briefs

Jan 06, 2023 12:00AM ● By MPG Staff

West Sacramento Christmas Tree Recycling Options. When holiday celebrations come to an end, be sure to recycle your Christmas tree! West Sacramento has 4 options for Christmas tree recycling: 1) Recycle your tree curbside by placing it next to your organics cart on the regular service day, December 27th through January 22nd. Trees must be cut into lengths no longer than 5 feet. You may also cut your tree into smaller sections and place the pieces inside your organics cart. 2) Have the Cub Scouts recycle it for you! Pack 49 is offering a pickup service for donations, on January 2nd, 8th, and 9th. Email [email protected] your name and address and they will contact you to schedule a collection. 3) Take it to the Yolo County Central Landfill for free tree recycling daily, December 26th through January 15th, excluding New Year’s Day when the landfill is closed. 4) Drop it off at Waste Management’s free Christmas Tree recycling bin located at 1271 West Capitol Avenue, daily from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m., December 26th through January 9th, excluding New Year’s Day. *Please remove all tinsel, lights, stand and ornaments before recycling your tree.

January 9th is Law Enforcement Appreciation DayThank a cop. Remember, no matter who you are… If you need help, you call them too!

School District Will Not Be Requiring Masks for Student Returns - Washington Unified School Board President Sarah Kirby-Gonzalez stated, “Washington Unified School District (WUSD) will not require masking following the winter recess. WUSD takes the health and safety of students and staff seriously, following all health guidance from Yolo Public Health which currently strongly recommends masking for all Yolo County residents.” Masking is currently strongly recommended for individuals but it has not been recommended that WUSD enforce a mask policy at this time. As such, WUSD is not requiring masks when we return from break but has shared Yolo Public Health’s mask recommendation and sent home test kits so students and staff can test before returning to school after break.

Fighting Fentanyl Awareness Event – Please join us at Muscle Systems Gym, located at 922 Sacramento Ave. (in the Arteaga’s shopping center), West Sacrament for a day of free training from professional and semi-professional MMA fighters and a Fentanyl Awareness event. Hear speakers on the impact Fentanyl is having on our community, get information and free Fentanyl test strips. It could save the life of you or someone you know. The event will be Saturday, Jan 7th 10am – 2pm.  Training and demonstrations will be free all day.