Food Ministry Draws Strength from Interfaith Cooperation
Dec 16, 2022 12:00AM ● By Story and photos by Cindy Scott
Five area pastors gathered to help assemble and distribute the GERS Christmas Baskets and to pray with participants. L-R: Rick Scribner, Abundant Life - Biggs; Mike Davis, Gridley Lighthouse Tabernacle; Bob Culverson, Biggs Assembly of God; David Henry, First Baptist Church of Gridley; Ed Lucas, Gridley Christian Church. Photo by Cindy Scott
GRIDLEY, CA (MPG) - “There once were five pastors” may sound like the beginning of a good joke, but, in this case, it was the beginning of a Christmas food basket distribution helping many in our area communities experiencing food insecurity. The heavy rains only served to energize the volunteers and recipients.
Led by Pastor Ed Lucas, Gridley Christian Church, the GERS (Gridley Emergency Relief Services) Christmas food initiative begins with congregations throughout the area donating funds to purchase food items. Food donations and discounts are received from several local businesses, and, for several days, the disbursement itself is organized and prepared in the gym at the First Baptist Church in Gridley.
This year over 40 volunteers from several area churches descended last Saturday morning to assemble the boxes, while runners followed grateful recipients out into the heavy rain to load their cars. The weather didn’t slow the response, and over 95 families benefited by the event.
The few leftover commodities were shared with the Biggs Assembly of God, which is opening a food closet, and St. Vincent de Paul, the food closet associated with Sacred Heart Catholic Church. SVDP will distribute Christmas boxes today and Saturday, December 16-17. Please contact SVDP on their hotline 530-588-9777 or stop in at the parish hall at 1561 Hazel Street.
In the New Testament, Luke 1 records Mary’s song, a psalm to her cousin Elizabeth. She sings, “He hath filled the hungry with good things.” Acting in their faith of Jesus Christ, volunteers served the hungry and warmed many hearts on a rainy morning.