Sacramento Tall Club Rises to New Heights
Sep 24, 2021 12:00AM ● By Thomas J. Sullivan
Bob Huggett, president of Sacramento Tall Club. Courtesy photo
“We want to share the fun and fellowship we’ve enjoyed through the years"
RANCHO CORDOVA, CA (MPG) - Members of the Sacramento Tall Club (STC), a social club of men and women in Rancho Cordova who share a special common attribute are looking to grow their membership.
Club members are once again meeting socially for lunch, dinners and “TGIF” events, while following state and social pandemic protocols.
Open to singles and couples, the STC is an active group of people who are tall and love getting together and having fun,” said their president, Bob Huggett. “Anyone at least 21 years of age may join if they meet the club’s height requirements.”
Women must be at least 5’ 10” tall, and men must be at least 6’ 2” (measurements are taken barefoot). Huggett said if you are a spouse of a regular STC member, you may still be an associate member if you don’t meet the height requirement.
Huggett, a 6-foot-7-inch chief engineer at the California Department of General Services, describes what it’s like to be vertically gifted and the camaraderie he’s found since joining the STC.
“Well, advantages are, of course, being above the others, [but] you’re always looked at a little bit differently when you’re tall. Not every place is built for tall people. Not every airplane I get in has enough headroom and legroom and all that stuff,” Huggett said.
Huggett said STC members are looking at new ways through MeetUp and social media to attract younger members to join the group as the base age of club members is climbing.
“We want to share the fun and fellowship we’ve enjoyed through the years as club members as we welcome new people, and begin building new friendships,” Huggett said.
The STC is a member of Tall Clubs International (TCI). Established in 1982, the STC lists some 80 active members in the greater Sacramento region, and a few members from as far away as Reno and Stockton.
Huggett said he is especially proud that one of STC’s own, Folsom resident Rusty Bloomquist was honored with the 2021 Tall Clubs International (TCI) Frank Winker Lifetime Achievement Award this summer.
Bloomquist, who has served terms as STC treasurer, vice president and sergeant-at-arms, was cited for his work as national TCI vice president during the pandemic to encourage national membership and providing advice to those seeking to launch new local TCI chapters.
The STC awards scholarships to eligible graduating high school seniors.
“They must meet our height requirements and write an essay on “What Being Tall Means to Me,” Huggett said. Local scholarship winners can go on to compete for a second national scholarship award.
“We put on all kinds of events which satisfy the variety of tastes of our club members. We try to have get-togethers at fun places such as bar and grills, interesting restaurants, night clubs, and whatever else we can think of that’s likely to be fun and enjoyable,” Huggett said.
“Without the height, we’re just normal people, and there’s nothing really different about us. In the club, that’s really the only common trait we have: We’re all tall,” Huggett said. “It costs nothing to attend one of our events and check us out.”
Upcoming events for the Sacramento Tall Club are posted on social media including Facebook and Meetup, Huggett said. Call 916-469-8255 to learn more about upcoming events or visit their web page at